Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Carlton Preschool is a go!! We are excited for this positive contribution to the community of Carlton. The Learning For Life Preschool will open Fall of 2008.

We are in the beginning stages of organization; there is a lot to accomplish. The first steps are getting the word out, registration, and applying for grant dollars to cover start up costs.

June 16th- Y-C school board unanimously accepted our proposal in support of our preschool. The school district has donated a classroom at Carlton Elementary. They will also absorb soft costs associated with the preschool (electricity, water, janitorial services). We are so grateful for their support.

June 18th- Carlton Together Cares accepted our proposal to be our acting fiscal agent. This will enable our preschool to:

  • Be a non-profit organization, which allows us to apply for grant money
  • Allows contributions to be a tax write-off for contributors
  • Connects us to the greater community
  • Covers us under the CTC insurance policy
  • Acts as a support in helping us get started