Monday, September 1, 2008

Preschool Beliefs

We Believe…In a World of Possibilities
There is nothing more important than to give a child the chance to develop a deep love of learning. We want to help children develop positive attitudes toward themselves and everything associated with learning.

We Believe…In the Joy of Knowledge

Self-directed learning requires that students do the work, while teachers help students learn to manage their own learning and capitalize on teachable moments. All of our students will get hands-on exposure to literature, mathematics, the sciences, computers, sensory development, dramatic play, arts and crafts, music, and a diverse collection of fine motor manipulative.

We Believe…In the Security of a Community

We all need support and we all need to offer support. And when we work together we are capable of accomplishing great things. We build stronger communities.

We Believe... In Great Toys
Play is not idle behavior. It is imperative to discover how things work. It is essential to discover our place in our world.